Don Quijote

One noble man lived his life and had nought of it…one day the Death sat next to him.

(comedy about self-knowledge)

PREMIERE: 10th of July 2019  8:30p.m., Radničná 1 Bratislava

AUTHOR: Jakub Nvota



PRODUCTION: Jana Suraová

The famous story by the spanish writer Miguel Cervantes about „the knight of a sad character“ and his faithful servant is presented to you by the cabaret couple Jakub Nvota and Kamil Žiška who are no less famous and no less sad.They have been writing and acting since their school years and they decided to do this even in their adult knighthood.

In this tragic comedy you will get to know all about the wandering,poor and forgotten man Alfons Quijana. In his daydreaming he wanders with his servant Sancho Panza on his slightly non-functional horse trade mark Rocinante. But to the world he becomes the heroic knight Don Quijote!Apart from the windmills,runaway sheep,medieval pastorales and rhetorical anagrams,you will see in the play an outline of all the false knights with their false ideas which lived in the past five hundred years of humankind. With a great amount of humour and irony and through the dramatic principle of „the theatre in the theatre“the ACTORS bring the theme of self-knowledge.

All of you who have read the book and have not come to its end, you are welcome. The actors use props, sing songs but you won´t find any spanish undertitles.

With the financial help of The State Fund for supporting Art
