In Túlavé divadlo he is since 2001 when he has played in Hamlet or the Recognition of a Skull. From that time he has been and still is one of the key ACTORS of the theatre. He was engaged professionally in The Trnava Theatre and Pressburg Theatre. He also worked for many other slovak theatres e.g. The City Theatre Trenčín where he still works as the stage director. In Túlavé divadlo he mostly plays the tragicomic roles known as „Jožko“ which is his artistic license. Through the years he has been slowly creating and discovering this very original character. You can see him in: Hamlet or the Recognition of a Skull, Romeo, Juliet and the Virus, Cyrano or the Farce about Nose, Midsummer´s Night Nonsense, One More Miracle, Plagues and Disgusts.